About the Same Age
©Susan Snipes
“About the Same Age (Neighbor's Linden Tree Surface Map)”
Iron acorn ink, walnut ink, charcoal, beeswax, Ebony pencil on BFK Rives printmaking paper
22 x 30 inches
(Neighbor's Linden Tree Surface Map)
A linden tree grows in the treelawn of my neighbor's house. As the tree grew, the environment and the pressure of growth created the complex texture on the bark - the visible outer layer of the tree. I started this surface map with a rubbing of the tree bark, followed by detailed bark line drawing, and handmade artist materials.
This painting is part of the “Surface Maps” series.
A linden tree grows in the treelawn of my neighbor's house. As the tree grew, the environment and the pressure of growth created the complex texture on the bark - the visible outer layer of the tree. I started this surface map with a rubbing of the tree bark, followed by detailed bark line drawing, and handmade artist materials.
This painting is part of the “Surface Maps” series.