Proplyd in Stellar Wind

Did you know that stars create stellar wind? It's true, stars eject fast moving gas during their life cycle. This proplyd is pushed and distorted by stellar wind from a nearby star.

©Susan Snipes
“Proplyd in Stellar Wind”
Acrylic, gesso, paint marker on canvas
20 x 20 x 1.5 inches

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During my exploration of young stars, I studied images taken by the Hubble telescope of the nearby Orion Nebula. Orion is full of proplyds, the disks around young stars that might turn into planets. Proplyds can be pushed and distorted by stellar wind as stars eject fast moving gas during their life cycle.

The droplet spinning out of the center of the canvas is a proplyd distorted by chance and gravity as I layed down a thick surface of gesso.

This painting is part of Susan’s solo exhibition “Potential Energy”.

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